Source code for bittersweet.models

# encoding: utf-8
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals

from itertools import chain

[docs]def validated_get_or_create(klass, **kwargs): """ Similar to :meth:`~django.db.models.query.QuerySet.get_or_create` but uses the methodical get/save including a full_clean() call to avoid problems with models which have validation requirements which are not completely enforced by the underlying database. For example, with a django-model-translation we always want to go through the setattr route rather than inserting into the database so translated fields will be mapped according to the active language. This avoids normally impossible situations such as creating a record where `title` is defined but `title_en` is not. """ defaults = kwargs.pop('defaults', {}) try: obj = klass.objects.get(**kwargs) return obj, False except klass.DoesNotExist: obj = klass() for k, v in chain(kwargs.items(), defaults.items()): setattr(obj, k, v) obj.full_clean() return obj, True